Olga Everlasting Rose Bouquet


Elevate your wedding with the timeless charm of this vintage-inspired dried flower bouquet. Handcrafted with all-natural, preserved blooms and botanicals, this stunning arrangement blends soft neutral tones with pale green accents. Featuring a dozen varieties of dried flowers; including pampas, roses, gypsophila, and bunny tails, it’s the perfect choice for creating an on-trend bridal look with a touch of nostalgia.

Dried flower bouquets are a lasting alternative to fresh blooms. Unique to you, your bouquet will remain beautiful for years without the need for preservation—a lasting memento of your special day.

Care Tips:

  • Avoid direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  • Keep flowers away from moisture to avoid discoloration.
  • To clean, gently blow dust away using a hairdryer on a cool, low setting.
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