Eva Preserved Rose Bouquet


Cherish your special day with the timeless beauty of the Eva Bouquet. This romantic arrangement features a stunning blend of dried flowers, including elegant Roses, delicate Baby's Breath, and lush Hydrangea, all artfully framed by striking Palm leaves. Accents of Pampas Grass and Ming Fern Asparagus add texture and a touch of whimsy, creating a bouquet that exudes natural charm and sophistication.

The Eva Bouquet is versatile and complements a variety of ocations and wedding themes. It’s available in several variations, including bouquets for the bride and bridesmaids, as well as a coordinating boutonnière for the groom, ensuring a cohesive look for your wedding party.

Each bouquet is thoughtfully handcrafted, making it as unique as the flowers it contains. Due to the natural and handmade nature of the arrangement, no two bouquets will be exactly alike, this adds to their one-of-a-kind beauty.

Care Tips:

  • Keep your bouquet away from direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  • Avoid exposing dried flowers to moisture, as it can cause discoloration.
  • To remove dust, gently blow air on the arrangement using a hairdryer set to a cool, low setting.
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