Zara Bouquet


This beautiful, light, and airy dried floral bouquet will be perfect for a wedding or a gift for someone special. We carefully arranged preserved roses, lux pampas grass, delicate rice flowers, and aromatic eucalyptus to give that bouquet a really beautiful whimsical feel. Since all flowers are dried and preserved this bouquet is meant to last for many years to come.

Most orders can be dispatched within 3 days, yet if you're planning to purchase more than 3 floral bouquets, please message us to confirm the availability and shipping date.
Keep in mind that each bouquet is handcrafted. Since every flower is unique, the floral arrangement will be slightly different than what you see in the picture. This is the beauty of natural and handcrafted products.
If you're purchasing this for your wedding and need matching a Boutonniere, crowns, headpieces, or table decorations please let us know! We're more than happy to create this for you!
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