Simone Burgundy Floral Bouquet


With a rich colour palette of sophisticated burgundy Roses and Eucalyptus paired with  creamy white Ming Asparagus and natural fluffy Pampas Grass -  this Fall inspired bouquet has a lovely contrast of light and dark hues that really make it pop. 

Available in 2 different sizes, the Simone Bouquet would work beautifully as a Bridal bouquet, a table centrepiece at your wedding, or as a statement your home office.

Style *
Size: Large Bouquet (as seen in the images) 23" L by 22" H. Medium size - 15" L by 22" H (3 roses). All sizes are approximate due to the nature of handcrafted goods and real dried flowers.
Keep in mind that each bouquet is handcrafted. Since every flower is unique, the floral arrangement will be slightly different than what you see in the picture. This is the beauty of natural and handcrafted products. Keep them away from direct sunlight. Dried flowers are very delicate and react negatively to moisture. Exposure to water may cause discoloration. You can remove dust by using a hairdryer and blowing air on your wall decor arrangement.
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