Sia Romantic Rose Bridal Bouquet


 Get your cameras ready! 

This romantic rose bouquet features light pink dried Eternal Roses, natural Billy Buttons, fluffy white Pampas Grass, carefully preserved Babies Breath and stunning Ming Asparagus. 

Much like a fairytale, the dried forever blooms are very much alive! The eternal roses perfectly pop amongst all the creamy white flowers and Grasses. These flowers are freshly harvested and carefully arranged to dry. Perfect for weddings and special occasions, this dried bouquet will complement your wedding photos or your event theme.

Matching Boutonnieres, hair crowns, and hair comb are also available for purchase.
Keep in mind that each arrangement is handcrafted. 

Style *
Available in 2 sizes:
-Medium - 3 roses 15" (width) and 22"(length)
-Large - 5 roses 22" (width) and 23" (length)
All measurements are approximate
Since every flower is unique, the floral arrangement will be slightly different than what you see in the picture. This is the beauty of natural and handcrafted products.
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